When I was a little girl, I thought that adults make decisions based on knowledge, that adults form opinions and views based on available information and as new information is learned, they adjust those opinions and views. I was always a talkative child - I just HAD to speak my mind! But I was raised to think, question, explore and challenge. If I learned new information, I could present my point and maybe even change my parents' minds. But I realize now that my parents were exceptional in this parenting style, that their desire to foster independant, thinking, questioning, challenging, learning children to create the same type of adults is not the norm. Most parents teach their kids to obey, don't question, and to accept the status quo because.. they say so.
So, when I try so hard to present verifiable, measurable scientifically-proven data, I'm so astonished and flabbergasted when the reponse from other adults is to .. just not think at all, just ignore all the verifiable, measurable scientifically-proven data... in favor of propaganda. I honestly do not understand that!
Add to this unwillingness to even attempt any mental capacity for learning, a selfish and egotistical blindess based on religion and my mind is totally blown. Now, I believe firmly in our rights as humans to believe in whatever religion or superstition or magick or myth that we want. My problem does not stem from belief itself. I'm fascinated by the human desire to believe in things that are unable to be proven. What blows my mind is when people put themselves and others at risk, simply by thinking that they are superior or safer because of their belief-system. Here's what I mean:
When a religious fundamentalist says that they rest in the Will Of God, that they don't care about global warming because the world won't come to an end unless their particular God decides it's going to end. Besides, they'll end up the winner either way - God will sace the Earth OR they'll be in heaven while the rest of us suffer on Earth. The net result is a complete closing of minds and a total lack of any critical thought processes that has the disasterous effect of placing all life on the planet at risk as they vote against all our best interests.
So here's my response to this:
If you rest in the full faith of your god's will, then do not ever look both ways before crossing the street at the busiest intersection. Don't worry about traffic lights, just rest in the faith that your god will get you across the street safely, and besides, if you do get killed by a semi, you win anyway as you'll be in heaven!
When you drive your scientifically manufactured vehicle, place a blindfold over your eyes. Rest in the full faith of your god's will that he will take the wheel and ensure you reach your destination safely, or you'll reach your eternal destination - either way, you're a winner!
Don't access available medical advancements! You're tampering with your god's will if you try to alter the path he has for you! If you have high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer or an infected hang nail, just pray that your idea of god will heal you, because even if you don't survive, you're still a winner!
It's just as utterly stupid to follow that advice as it is to ignore the mountains of verifiable, measurable, scientifically-proven irrefutable truth about man-induced global warming. And your refusal to think is abject stupidity that is actively promoting the extinction of all life on planet earth as we know it. And that is inexcusable irresponsibility. Use the brain that you were born with and start thinking. Research. Read. Learn. Critically process information. THAT is what separates us from our animal cousins in this delicate ecosystem that we are an integral part - we do not hold dominion over, we are dependant upon it as it is dependant upon us.
There is no rational argument against global warming. Watch the congressional testimony by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse for an excellent overview. Look below the video for links to global warming sources.
To begin your own search and discovery, start here, but don't stop - explore international scientific organizations desperately trying to save humanity from itself:
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